Part 1 : The Season is Changing

Spiritual Winter

Galatians 6:9 NIV

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Almighty God who order the Season of the earth can order the season of your life. Bringing you to maturity, ripeness and productivity in His own due season. God has a time table to manifest your calling.

There are four seasons that we experience yearly. They are Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn /Fall.

Winter is the season that end the year and start the New Year from December 21st to March 20th. In most Countries it becomes cooler or very cold. Some countries experiences snow, other rain. The days are shorter, some countries experience limited sunlight, and some even experiences temperature below zero.

Spiritual winter is a time of death to self. It can be seen as a time of darkness, a “no fruit bearing season.” It is a time when most trees shed their leaves to stay alive. This is a time that God will kill anything in your life that will affect the harvest of the next season. It is a time for evaluation, planning and preparation. It is a time of letting go of anything that will destroy or distract you from your calling.

Spiritual winter season may allow you to feel as if you are in a wilderness or a valley. A place where you feel as if God is not hearing or speaking to you.  Hosea 2:14 NIV declares ….” I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her.”

The Spiritual Winter Season is when God want to talk to you, spend time with you to prepare and equip you for the new thing that He wants to establish in your life in the next season.

Not everyone will have the same experiences at once, while you are called to a place of quietness, preparation or even when you are going through a hot season. Someone else maybe experiencing a harvest. My encouragement to you is make the best of the season that you are in so when the next season comes you would have been ready, prepared and equip to overcome, enjoy and learn. The word of God declares in Psalm 30:5…Weeping may endure for a night but Joy comes in the morning. Continue praying, trust God and declares it is your season of Victory!!!